Monday 26 October 2015

Hellraiser: Hellworld

Hellworld is the fucking terrible. The last three movies were bad, but this manages to be worse. Again, this wasn’t initially written as a Hellraiser movie, and this time it really, really fucking shows. The movie makes brief, superficial mentions of the Hellraiser series, as though that would be enough. Otherwise this is a pathetic, piss weak horror movie that’s been shoddily slapped together, a combination of poor shooting, terrible acting, horrible plotting and a story that might as well not exist.


A group of friends are addicted to playing ‘Hellworld’, a videogame based on the Hellraiser series (yeah, we go a bit meta). One of their friends, Adam, becomes completely obsessed with the game and kills himself, which fractures some of the group and upsets Chelsea, who decides to stop playing the game. Two years later they’re all invited to a secret party for Hellworld players held at a big creepy mansion, ‘Leviathan House’, apparently built by Philip Lemarchand. The party itself is a piss-weak thing, full of nightclub folks (for a secret party there’s a fuckload of people there). Nobody seems particularly enthused, and the exact size and scale of the house is never clear. Sometimes there’re a whole lot of people partying, then it’s randomly sparse. I’m getting side tracked here – they head to the party and meet the host (Lance Henrikson) who tells them the houses’ creepy history and promises them the party will be truly amazing. And then they just sort of hang around and mingle with the partygoers while having random scares. They start to explore the house and get killed off one by one and they realise something’s up. The story is almost non-existent and not much happens. They spend a lot of time stuck in the house not doing anything.

In the end we get yet another variation on the same twist that just keeps fucking happening in these awful Hellraiser sequels, the ‘it’s all a nightmare/hell/hallucination’ twist. But no, instead we go even dumber with this: the party’s host was actually Adam’s father, and he held the group responsible for his suicide. So he lured them to the party, drugged them and buried them in his backyard, and everything that happened was a shared hallucination they’ve been having for a few days, as they died one by one. So the Cenobites and Oinhead were all hallucinations (until the very end twist, which we’ll get to). Whether the party happened or not is a point of confusion - the actual party seemed to have happened at least in part, and I guess the characters were astral projecting there? That means that while this rowdy party was going on nobody noticed the guy abducting people, dragging them to the backyard and burying them. It’s weird – at times they aren’t able to talk or interact with the other partygoers, but then they’re having sex with them and getting blowjobs and having conversations? Or was that all just the same hallucination? Towards the end all the guests eventually disappear, with things making even less sense.

The characters are fucking horrible and the acting is atrocious. This movie looks and feels like a poorly shot student film. The main actress for Chelsea spends a portion of the movie looking stoned, her mouth agape, her eyes barely open as she shuffles about, shoulders slouched. At the end she randomly does a spinning kick on Lance, knocking him over a railing (he’s a hallucination so he’s fine). The rest are just as bad. Early on they try and make it seem one of the group, Jake, is the killer by making him act weird and saying everybody deserves punishment. During the end revelation they go silly – Lane Henrikson gained information on the group by pretending to be a woman online and seducing Jake, who told him everything. This is the dumbest thing ever.

Who even found these idiots? Funnily enough, one of them would later become Superman – Henry Cavill is here, eventually getting a giant hook through the chest. He’s a douche bro joker guy who spends his time there trying to get laid. He gets shitty at Chelsea for not wanting to have sex with him and wanders off to get a headjob from some random woman. He spends the entire movie with a big shit-eating grin on. They end up getting killed off one by one. How they’re managing to get away from the massive party to end up alone in some sort of death trap is beyond me. At one point one of the guys drops his inhaler into a vent and then wanders down to the evil surgery room to find it. He lies down on one of the surgery tables because of course he does and then his head is cut off. Makes sense to me.

The house is full of stupid crap. There are a lot of things there to try and sell the ‘Hellraiser’ thing, like a giant puzzle box, portraits of Lemarchand and other stuff. There’s an underground surgery room full of hanging hooks and jars of severed body parts. The group think this is awesome because they’re idiots. It’s also got stupid party rules – everybody gets a featureless white mask with a number on them and a mobile phone with which they’re meant to…do something? Call each other to hook up for sex? I know a lot of party people randomly have some sex, particularly some of the main characters. It’s unclear what the party’s purpose is. Barely anybody at the party wears the masks, but then again they’re meant to be hallucinations I think? Or some of them at least? The party definitely happened though, I mean they got drugged during the party. The police show up though and there doesn’t seem to be a party going on. The actual mechanics of how the twist is meant to work are beyond me. The idiots talk about Hellraiser. ‘Cenobites aren’t real, and even if they were I wouldn’t open the Lemarchand Configuration’ says the idiot heroine, as though feigning familiarity with the source material while make up for the fact that the movie has almost nothing to do with Hellraiser. Pinhead makes what amounts to a cameo appearance (as he has in the last three movies) and that’s mostly it. Whenever somebody dies Pinhead will show up to say something, and sometimes he even kills people. The Cenobites show up towards the end but they don’t do much.

The Hellworld game is shown as a crappy web browser flash game, one of those ones where you click on things and crappy sound clips play. How anybody could become obsessed with a game like that is beyond me. What’s also beyond me is the idea that dead Adam somehow became self-destructive over it – apparently the character’s guilt is what was killing them (and not suffocating in a box, or the Cenobites or whatever), because they felt guilty for not stopping their crazy friend who go so obsessed with a web browser game that he set himself on fire.

The gore effects are there, but they so dull and standard they’re not worth talking about. The scare attempts are weak as well – keeping with the ‘everything was a hallucination’ thing, we get a lot of fake-out scares or visions or something freaky happening but then not really. We keep cutting to footage of Adam digging a hole in the basement. What the fuck even for? Why? He eventually see him self-immolate. There’s a lot of sex here, with characters randomly screwing party guests, who may or may not be real. I don’t know why the sex scenes are there actually, since they don’t add anything.

In the end, the police show up from nowhere outside and dig up the surviving two characters, saving them. This is the movie not knowing how to end itself, suddenly having the police show up to save the day. Lance Hendrickson, in a hotel somewhere, finds that his son actually had his own puzzle box (?) and he opens it. Pinhead and the Cenobites show up and kill him. The end, I guess?

Hellworld is horrible. The other three were horrible too, alretnating between dumb and annoying, but this is somehow worse. It’s yet another ‘twist’ movie, where it’s all build up to some stupid psychological trick that’s meant ot be surprising or impressive and manages to be neither. This also marks the final appearance as Doug Bradley as Pinhead, a character that has become nothing more than a cameo at this point (he’s barely in it here).
We’re not done yet. We’ve got one more Hellraiser movie to look at. It’s one that Clive Barker has publicly bashed and that Doug Bradley declined to reprise his role as Pinhead in. It was made in about three weeks, on a budget or about $300,000 and that only exists because if it didn’t get made the studio would lose the right to the Hellraiser franchise. Guess how good that one turned

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